Set in West Tennessee during the time leading up to the Civil war and through the first devastating years of its fury, HALLAM'S WAR has been called "powerful", "richly developed", and "remarkable", earning high praise and critical acclaim nationwide.
Harding said of the acquisition, "Berkley Books is thrilled to be publishing the paperback of HALLAM'S WAR. This is a stunning family saga and Elisabeth Payne Rosen is a remarkable writer who uses a keen, generous intelligence to create complicated, sympathetic characters and place them against a meticulously researched, nearly-epic Civil War backdrop. As a book that explores questions about duty, honor, love and race, it is truly a story for our time."
--Thank all of you who have helped this come about. EPR.
Please forgive me for quoting my own publisher's press release, but here goes:
UNBRIDLED BOOKS announces paperback rights for HALLAM'S WAR sold to Sandra Harding at Berkley Books, an imprint of Penguin Group (USA).
Set in West Tennessee during the time leading up to the Civil War and through the first devastating years of its fury, HALLAM'S WAR has been called "powerful," richly developed," and "remarkable," earning high praise and critical acclaim nationwide.
Harding said of the acquisition, "Berkley Books is thrilled to be publishing the paperback of HALLAM'S WAR. This is a stunning family saga and Elisabeth Payne Rosen is a remarkable writer who uses a keen, generous intelligence to create complicated, sympathetic characters and place them against a meticulously researched, nearly-epic Civil War backdrop. As a book that explores questions about duty, honor, love and race, it is truly a story for our time."
Hello Elizabeth,
My name is Brandon Samuels and I think your blog is really interesting. I've read a couple of posts and I am really excited to check out more. Since you have an interest in blogging, I thought that you might want to know about a new web site, The idea is to create an interactive historical record of anything and everything, based on specific events that combine to form timelines. We're trying to achieve a sort of user-created multimedia history, in which no event is too big or too small to record. Feel free to create events using excerpts and/or links from your blog. You will generate traffic and awareness of your blog, and you will be contributing to the recording of history.
With your interest in the American Civil War, you should check out this timeline. So far it is a work in progress and we would definitely love for more people to contribute.
Give us a try and let me know your thoughts.
Brandon Samuels
I came across your web site (my compliments) and I would like to bring to your attention to what I believe is a unique
book and an unknown but very moving true story that will particularly interest those with Civil War ancestors--
Hiram's Honor: Reliving
Private Terman's Civil War, ISBN 978-0615-27812-4.
Second Bull Run,Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Richmond (Belle Island), and Andersonville are prominently featured in the book which is printed and distributed by Ingram Book Company. For more, step into the Civil War at
Professional reviews of the book can be seen at and
The unique thing about this book is that I assume the identity of my ancestor in all of his battles and prison misery. It was quite a challenge to match every detail that actually happened (dairies, letters, first-hand accounts) with a first person dramatized and riveting story of how I would have reacted in his situation.
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